الأحد، 19 أغسطس 2018

Hello Friends, today I am going to show you a very simple, experimental, cool keyboard, notepad trick 'How to make your Keyboard disco dance | Keyboard dancing LED trick.' This trick is quite interesting as it is different from other tricks. As people always want to see some change in this modern world, regarding this I am going to share this awesome trick 'How to make your Keyboard disco dance'. After performing this trick your Keyboard LEDs i.e Num Lock, Caps Lock and Scroll Lock will start dancing in a random way like never before. These keyboard LEDs are present to indicate whether the different types of locks are active or not. But this trick will change their function at all, it will start dancing in a creative manner.
Now you can show the magic light to your kids through the keyboard with the dancing LED light.Basically all keyboard has the 3 small  LED lights at the top of the key board i.e., caps lock, num lock and scroll lock . These lights are used to indicate whether different types of locks are activated or not.We ca make those light dancing by the simple trick using  Visual basic script. After this  vbscript is activated you can easily make the scroll lock, caps lock and num locks LED’s flash in a cool rhythmic way just like the disco effect make you enjoy in the keyboard.

1. Open your Notepad

2. Copy and Paste this code

Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys “{CAPSLOCK}”
wshshell.sendkeys “{NUMLOCK}”
wshshell.sendkeys “{SCROLLLOCK}”

Then save this file as dancing LED.vbs (You must save in .vbs  because it indicate the Visual basic script).Here in this code we are using a Loop to turn on and off our CapsLock, NumLock and ScrollLock.

Open your save file by the double clicking on the file  and see your keyboard LED will glow .These  blinking like rocking  disco lights.

You can  test these trick on  Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8  and enjoy dancing.
 To disable blinking Led

 1. First open Task Manager  OR press ctrl+alt+del
2. Then Go to process tab.
3. Select wscript.exe

4. Click on End process

ENJOY   ^_^

It's very useful to learn how to use command line to shutdown a Windows 10 computer when Windows file crashes or computer screen freezes or other stuck errors that prevent system shutdown. Follow the guide below strictly and try to close Windows 10 when it does not turn off.

STEP 1. Start->Run->CMD;

STEP 2. Type "shutdown" in the open command prompt window;

STEP 3. List of various choices that you can do with the command will be listed down;

STEP 4. Type "shutdown /s" to Shutdown your computer;

STEP 5. Type "shutdown /r "to Restart your windows PC;

STEP 6. Type shutdown /l" to Log off your computer

SETP 7. Type "shutdown /a"to Abort the shutdown process before the timeout; 

SETP 8. Type shutdown to know more choices in system shutdown process.
if you want the computer to shut down in 10 second, the command should look like shutdown -s -t 10
Screenshots are handy, whether you're trying to write a how-to article or show your friend something on your screen

Don't get me wrong, you have plenty of options. There's the Snipping Tool, various keyboard and physical button shortcuts, and tons of third-party tools

1- Snipping Tool
Windows' built-in screenshot tool, the Snipping Tool, has been around since Windows Vista. You can find this tool in Start > All Programs > Windows Accessories > Snipping Tool.

To use the Snipping tool, open it and click New to begin the screenshot process. The default snip type is a rectangular snip -- you'll use your mouse to crop a rectangular part of your screen for capture. You can also take free-form, window, and full-screen snips with the Snipping Tool.

The Snipping Tool does not automatically save your screenshots -- you will need to manually save them in the tool before you exit.

2- Print Screen
To capture your entire screen, tap the PrtScn button. Your screenshot will not be saved, but it will be copied to the clipboard , you'll need to open an image editing tool (such as Microsoft Paint), paste the screenshot in the editor and save the file from there.
if you don't find the PetScn key press win+R and type osk to open the visual keyboard
press the PetScn key then open the paint and press ctrl+v 
press ctrl+s to save .

الثلاثاء، 14 أغسطس 2018

The default icon set in Windows is a little limited but you can get free icons off the internet. I used IconFinder. I downloaded this red folder as an experiment:
You need to download the ico file from that site. I recommend saving them in a directory somewhere away from the folders you are editing.

Right click the folder you want the customise and select properties and then click on the "Customise"
Click "Change icon" then you can browse through the window of the default icons or click "Browse" and navigate to your downloaded icons and select the one you want.

Then click OK and click "Apply" on the properties dialog box. Your folder will have now changed to the one you chose.
If you can't find any icons you like you can make your own in Paint and save them as a 64x64 gif then change the suffix to ico.

If you want to change back to the default icon you can go to the icon chooser dialog (second picture) and click "Resore Defaults". This will return the folder to the Windows default folder icon.

الاثنين، 13 أغسطس 2018

In this post you will learn how to show or hide files and folders in Windows using the command line prompt.

We will use the attrib command to hide or show files or folders in Windows.

attrib: Using the attrib command in Windows, we can change file attributes (i.e., read-only, system and hidden flag).

attrib +h [file/folder name]: This will set hidden attributes to active. It will hide a file/folder.

attrib -h [file/folder name]: This will remove hidden attributes from a file to make files/folders visible to everyone.

How to Hide a File in Windows Using Command Prompt

1. Open your Command Prompt window using the Windows + R key combination, and then type cmd.
2. Navigate to the path where your file is located.
3. Type attrib +h file name to make it hidden.
4. To make it visible again, remove the hidden attribute using attrib -h filename.

1. Open your Command Prompt window using the Windows + R key combination, and then type cmd.

2. Navigate to the path where your file is located.
type CD + file name to navigate to the path, and type just CD.. to go back.

3. Type attrib +h file name to make it hidden.
4. To make it visible again, remove the hidden attribute using attrib -h filename.


الأربعاء، 20 سبتمبر 2017

Tab and window shortcuts:

Ctrl+N Opens a new window.
Ctrl+T Opens a new tab.
Ctrl+Shift+N Opens a new window in incognito mode.
Press Ctrl+O, then select file. Opens a file from your computer in Google Chrome.
Press Ctrl and click a link. Or click a link with your middle mouse button (or mousewheel). Opens the link in a new tab in the background .
Press Ctrl+Shift and click a link. Or press Shift and click a link with your middle mouse button (or mousewheel). Opens the link in a new tab and switches to the newly opened tab.
Press Shift and click a link. Opens the link in a new window.
Ctrl+Shift+T Reopens the last tab you’ve closed. Google Chrome remembers the last 10 tabs you’ve closed.
Drag a link to a tab. Opens the link in the tab.
Drag a link to a blank area on the tab strip. Opens the link in a new tab.
Drag a tab out of the tab strip. Opens the tab in a new window.
Drag a tab out of the tab strip and into an existing window. Opens the tab in the existing window.
Press Esc while dragging a tab. Returns the tab to its original position.
Ctrl+1 through Ctrl+8 Switches to the tab at the specified position number on the tab strip.
Ctrl+9 Switches to the last tab.
Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+PgDown Switches to the next tab.
Ctrl+Shift+Tab or Ctrl+PgUp Switches to the previous tab.
Alt+F4 Closes the current window.
Ctrl+W or Ctrl+F4 Closes the current tab or pop-up.
Click a tab with your middle mouse button (or mousewheel). Closes the tab you clicked.
Right-click, or click and hold either the Back or Forward arrow in the browser toolbar. Displays your browsing history in the tab.
Press Backspace, or Alt and the left arrow together. Goes to the previous page in your browsing history for the tab.
Press Shift+Backspace, or Alt and the right arrow together. Goes to the next page in your browsing history for the tab.
Press Ctrl and click either the Back arrow, Forward arrow, or Go button in the toolbar. Or click either button with your middle mouse button (or mousewheel). Opens the button destination in a new tab in the background.
Double-click the blank area on the tab strip. Maximizes or minimizes the window.
Alt+Home Opens your homepage in your current window.

Google Chrome feature shortcuts:

Alt+F Opens the Tools menu, which lets you customize and control settings in Google Chrome.
Ctrl+Shift+B Toggles the bookmarks bar on and off.
Ctrl+H Opens the History page.
Ctrl+J Opens the Downloads page.
Shift+Esc Opens the Task Manager.
Shift+Alt+T Sets focus on the first tool in the browser toolbar. You can then use the following shortcuts to move around in the toolbar:
Press Tab, Shift+Tab, Home, End, right arrow, and left arrow to move focus to different items in the toolbar.
Press Space or Enter to activate toolbar buttons, including page actions and browser actions.
Press Shift+F10 to bring up any associated context menu (e.g. browsing history for the Back button).
Press Esc to return focus from the toolbar back to the page.
Press F6 or Shift+F6 to switch focus to the next keyboard-accessible pane, where panes include the main web content, toolbar, and bookmarks bar (if visible).
Ctrl+Shift+J Opens Developer Tools.
Ctrl+Shift+Delete Opens the Clear Browsing Data dialog.
F1 Opens the Help Center in a new tab (our favorite).

Address bar shortcuts. Use the following shortcuts in the address bar:

Type a search term, then press Enter. Performs a search using your default search engine.
Type a search engine keyword, press Space, type a search term, and press Enter. Performs a search using the search engine associated with the keyword.
Begin typing a search engine URL, press Tab when prompted, type a search term, and press Enter. Performs a search using the search engine associated with the URL.
Ctrl+Enter Adds www. and .com to your input in the address bar and open the resulting URL.
Type a URL, then press Alt+Enter. Opens the URL in a new tab.
F6 or Ctrl+L or Alt+D Highlights the URL.
Ctrl+K or Ctrl+E Places a ‘?’ in the address bar. Type a search term after the question mark to perform a search using your default search engine.
Press Ctrl and the left arrow together. Moves your cursor to the preceding key term in the address bar
Press Ctrl and the right arrow together. Moves your cursor to the next key term in the address bar
Ctrl+Backspace Deletes the key term that precedes your cursor in the address bar
Select an entry in the address bar drop-down menu with your keyboard arrows, then press Shift+Delete. Deletes the entry from your browsing history, if possible.
Click an entry in the address bar drop-down menu with your middle mouse button (or mousewheel). Opens the entry in a new tab in the background.
Press Page Up or Page Down when the address bar drop-down menu is visible. Selects the first or last entry in the drop-down menu.

Webpage shortcuts:

Ctrl+P Prints your current page.
Ctrl+S Saves your current page.
F5 or Ctrl+R Reloads your current page.
Esc Stops the loading of your current page.
Ctrl+F Opens the find bar.
Ctrl+G or F3 Finds the next match for your input in the find bar.
Ctrl+Shift+G, Shift+F3, or Shift+Enter Finds the previous match for your input in the find bar.
Click the middle mouse button (or mousewheel). Activates auto-scrolling. As you move your mouse, the page automatically scrolls according to the direction of the mouse.
Ctrl+F5 or Shift+F5 Reloads your current page, ignoring cached content.
Press Alt and click a link. Downloads the target of the link.
Ctrl+U Opens the source of your current page.
Drag a link to bookmarks bar Saves the link as a bookmark.
Ctrl+D Saves your current webpage as a bookmark.
Ctrl+Shift+D Saves all open pages as bookmarks in a new folder.
F11 Opens your page in full-screen mode. Press F11 again to exit full-screen.
Ctrl and +, or press Ctrl and scroll your mousewheel up. Enlarges everything on the page.
Ctrl and -, or press Ctrl and scroll your mousewheel down. Makes everything on the page smaller.
Ctrl+0 Returns everything on the page to normal size.
Space bar Scrolls down the web page.
Home Goes to the top of the page.
End Goes to the bottom of the page.
Press Shift and scroll your mousewheel. Scrolls horizontally on the page.

Text shortcuts:

Ctrl+C Copies highlighted content to the clipboard.
Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert Pastes content from the clipboard.
Ctrl+Shift+V Paste content from the clipboard without formatting.
Ctrl+X or Shift+Delete Deletes the highlighted content and copies it to the clipboard.

Windows 7 keyboard shortcuts

Use the below Windows 7 keyboard shortcuts to make the most of your Windows 7 experience.

Windows key and the arrow keys

Pressing the Windows key and Left or Right arrow keys will dock the window your viewing to the left or right-hand side of the screen. Pressing the Windows key and the Up arrow will maximize a window and pressing the Windows key and the Down arrow will resize and then minimize the window.

Use Shift: To stretch a window vertically, press the Windows key + Shift + the Up arrow. If you have multiple monitors use the Windows key + Shift + the Left or Right arrow keys to move the window to another monitor.

Windows key and plus and minus keys

If you ever need to zoom in or out of what is being displayed on your screen press the Windows key and the + (plus) or – (minus) keys. Pressing the plus zooms in and once zoomed in the minus will zoom out.

Clear all background programs

If you are not viewing a window in full screen and have other windows open in the background clear all background open windows by pressing the Windows key + the Home key.

Find and run anything in Windows by using the Windows 7 search box. Click the Start orb or press then Windows key and type the name of the program you wish to run or file you wish to edit. Windows 7 will usually do a good job at finding an exact match and simply pressing enter will execute that program or open that file. If more than one match is found, use the up and down arrow keys to select the file you wish to open and then press Enter.

Running as administrator: Some programs may require administrator mode in order to function properly. You can run any program as administrator from the search box by typing the name of the program you want to run and then instead of pressing Enter to run the program press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to run as administrator. If you want to click and run a program as administrator hold down the Ctrl+Shift and then click the icon.


Take full advantage of the Taskbar

Pin programs to the Taskbar

All programs can be pinned to the Taskbar and allow easy access to your favorite programs without having to use the Start Menu. To Pin a program to the Taskbar right-click on the program or shortcut to the program and in the menu choose the Pin to Taskbar option. Alternatively you can also drag the icon to the Taskbar.

If you want to remove a pinned program, right-click on the Taskbar icon and click Unpin this program from the Taskbar. Alternatively you can also drag the icon off of the task bar and then click Unpin this program from the Taskbar.

Move the icons and pinned programs

Any pinned or opened program on the Taskbar can be moved and arranged. Left-click on any icon on the Taskbar and drag it to the location you want it to remain.

Windows key and a number

Pressing the Windows key and a number on the top row of your keyboard will open the Window corresponding to the open program on your Taskbar. For example, in the below picture of the Windows 7 Taskbar, Firefox i the first icon, Control panel is the second icon, and Adobe Photoshop is the third icon. If the Windows key + 3 was pressed, Adobe Photoshop would become the active window. To make it even easier arrange your icons (as mentioned above) from left to right by most frequently opened.

Pin your favorite folder

If you frequently access the same folder (e.g. your favorites, my documents, Dropbox, etc.) pin the folder to the Windows Explorer icon on the Taskbar. To do this drag your favorite folder to the Taskbar until you see Pin to Windows Explorer. Once pinned, right-click the Explorer icon to access that folder under the Pinned section.

Open a second instance

If you want to open a second instance or window of a program that is already open, press and hold the Shift key and then click the program icon on the Taskbar.

Get to the Desktop

Click the Desktop button on the far right edge of the Taskbar to get to the Desktop.

Customize the Notification area

Windows Vista and Windows 7 allow the Windows Notification area (aka Systray) tosystray
be modified. By default, many of the icons shown in the past are now hidden and give Windows a much cleaner look. Customize this area to make icons show or not show by clicking on the up arrow next to the icons and selecting Customize, as shown in the picture to the right. Once in Customize you can choose what programs show, don’t show, or only show notifications.

Improve the quality of your text

Use the Windows ClearType Text Tuner to improve the overall quality of all text you read on your screen. To start the ClearType Text Tuner click the Start Orb and type cttune.exe and press Enter.

Enable and disable Windows 7 features

Turn on and off Windows features by clicking Start, typing features and press enter. In the Programs and Features window on the left-hand column click Turn Windows features on or off and in the Windows Features box check or uncheck the features you want enabled or disabled.

Use the Reliability and Performance Monitor

View the reliability history of your computer by using the Reliability Monitor. Click the Start orb and type reliability and press enter for View Reliability History. In the Reliability Monitor, you’ll be able to view the overall reliability of your computer and be able to identify any past problems your computer has had.

If you want to view the performance of your computer in real time use the Performance Monitor. Click the Start orb and type performance and press enter for the Performance Monitor. In the Performance Monitor, you can view your computers performance in real time or view a log of your systems performance.

Re-enable underlined keyboard shortcuts

filemenuBy default, Windows 7 has the underlines for keyboard shortcuts like those shown in the picture to the right disabled. To re-enable these underlines in all Windows programs follow the below steps.

    Open the Control Panel
    In the Control Panel click Ease of Access
    In Ease of Access click Change how your keyboard works
    Finally, check the Underline keyboard shortcuts and access keys and then click Ok.

Rename multiple files at once

To change the name of multiple files at once highlight all the files you wish to rename in Windows Explorer and press the F2 key. Type in the new name you wish to use for all files and press enter. Once done all files will be renamed to the name entered followed by a unique number.

Install Windows Essentials

Install missing Windows software by installing the free Windows Essentials software package that includes: Windows Live Family Safety, Windows Live Mail, Windows Live Messenger, SkyDrive for Windows, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Windows Live Writer, and Microsoft Outlook Hotmail Connector.